Scout Articles

What to take on your first backpacking trip.

by Robert White

The number one mistake first-timers make on backpacking trips is They bring too much stuff. And, I want to talk through some of the things you should.

 The Big Three

  • Backpack
  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag

I could write a whole article on all three of these because they form the core of what you need to bring. You also should not forget the following.

  • Ground pad (make sure it is insulated to keep you warm from the cold ground)


You only need enough clothing to keep you warm on your coldest morning plus a rain jacket and a change of socks, and maybe an extra T-Shirt would sound nice. Check the temperature right before you go.


  • Hiking boots/trail runners
  • Sandals

Some people like to hike in running shoes because they are light weight, but you need enough ankle support and  tread to protect you from the rocky trails. It is also nice to have flip-flops that would be nice for stream crossings. It is really important to keep your feet dry to prevent blisters from forming. Make sure you shoes are broken in.

Items you think that might be optional but are not!

  • Camp chair
  • Trekking poles

Things to leave behind

  • Hatchet

You think it is fun but you will be too tired to use it because you took it.

Things not to forget

  • Personal first aid kit

Blisters, scrapes and cuts can ruin a trip.

The full packing list can be found here.